Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July 4th Bundts

I found a recipe for Graham Cracker Bundt Cake that I thought sounded very interesting. Instead of flour, it called for crushed graham crackers. I wondered if I could use it to make Smore Bundt Cakes.

July 4th weekend we were invited to Kaw Lake. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to try out my idea....what's the most important thing when you're camping? Smores!
I used a baby bundt pan, put in a scoop of the graham cracker batter, three marshmallows, a piece of chocolate and then another scoop of batter. I pictured in my head a nice warm baby bundt that burst with chocolate and marshmallow when you bit into it....just like a smore you would make around the campfire.

No...that didn't happen. While the baby bundts were baking, the chocolate sunk to the bottom & the marshmallow floated to the top, puffed up really big & toasted brown. Not at all what I had hoped for. The ended up tasting very bland.

I plan to attempt Smores Bundts again, I will just have to rethink it a bit!

This is my friend Tammy modeling the Smores Baby Bundts. She is the official Bundt Chronicles Model.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Bundts on a Boat

While we were in Parsons for Memorial Weekend, my Brother & Sister-in-Law invited us to Big Hill Lake for the day. We were excited to spend the day with them & of course, I had to take some of the Baby Bundts with us!
Mac with a Baby Bundt...he didn't get to eat it, because it was chocolate.

Mermorial Weekend Baby Bundts

We travel to our hometown of Parsons every year for Memorial Weekend to attend Katy Days. Katy Days is a celebration of the history of the Katy Railroad. It's a lot of fun and a great chance to catch up with old friends, as everybody seems to make it back for the weekend! Since several of my faithful followers live or would be in Parsons and happen to be some of my favorite people, I decided to make baby bundts for them. I made Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip and Strawberry. My friend Connie helped me out because I was short on time, she made Tropical. I ended up with around 60 individually wrapped baby bundts. Steve and a guy I don't know holding Baby Bundts in front of an engine. Ruthie & Katie with their Baby Bundts.

I'm really bummed I didn't get a single photo of anyone at the Braman house with a bundt. :(

Balls & Bundts

There will be a "Balls & Bundts" party in the near future....