Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Baking is Easier Than the Blogging!

Here are pictures of some of the bundts I made in 2010. I am having so much fun trying different recipes and shapes of pans. I enjoy the baking but find it difficult to blog. It's one of those things I always think, "I'll do that later" and then 'later' turns into 'never'. One of my goals for 2011 is to update my blog....often.

Hershey Chocolate Bundt Cake. I made mini bundts with this recipe for Anna to take to school for her birthday.

Sailor Jerry Rum Cake for my Cousin, Suzanne's birthday. I made this cake again for Thanksgiving.

Chocolate Stadium Cake for Football Season Kick-off.

Chocolate Malted Mini Bundts The Bundt Babe, Tammy
These are just a few of the bundts we enjoyed this year. I'm looking forward to using my new mixer and the new pans (4) I received for Christmas! Thank you to everyone who has followed my blog and/or ate my cakes! Here's to 2011!