Thursday, April 29, 2010


I am a wife & mother. I enjoy cooking, baking and trying new recipes. My Mom gave me a bundt cake pan for Easter. I decided to start a blog of bundt cakes...just for fun! I hope you enjoy my "bundt blog" as much as I enjoy baking bundt cakes.


  1. Well, it isn't a cake, but it is in a bundt, so you might as well add Braman Bread. Just don't include the family recipe. ;)

  2. What a cute idea for a blog, Angela! I look forward to following you on your bundt adventures!

  3. I love your idea and the name, The Bundt Chronicles. LOL. Looking forward to future posts.

  4. Thanks, girls! Em, I am planning on making the Braman Bread, I had to ask for the recipe after I heard it used a bundt pan! And don't worry, I won't post the recipe! :)
